
Top 10 Most Demanding Programming Languages for 2021 | Best programming language to learn 2001

  In this article, you’ll find information about each language, its complexity, and how it is used with a push for forward-thinking.

Top 10 Most Demanding Programming Languages for 2021

According to the latest web development studies, as of 2020, there were around 700 programming languages available. Some of these are applicable only to specific domains, while others are widely used in a range of applications.

If you are considering adopting or learning a new programming language in 2021, keep reading to learn the benefits of our top 10 programming languages for 2021.

Best programming language to learn 2001

  1. Python Programming language in 2021

Python is one of the fastest growing languages. Python web development frameworks, such as Django and Pyramid, are the most mainstream framework tools Python offers.

The best thing about Python is that being a high level language it is easy to learn. It is one of the most sought after languages ​​in the market and is known as a great language for beginners and experts alike. Plus, it's open source and has lots of great documentation to help you get your head around its key concepts.

Python has also become a major player in the field of Big Data and AI.

2. R programming language 2021

The R programming language is one of the most important languages ​​for machine learning. Since it is open-source, you can adapt it to the needs of your project and effectively add packages for additional features.

The R libraries are used to perform production-level statistical analysis and create great data visualizations.
Data analysis can sometimes include code to interact with the database, which is not a problem for R, as it has many packages that empower interoperability.

3. JavaScript

Next on the list is JavaScript.
JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages ​​for front-end development and, thanks to Node.js, is becoming more widely used for backend development as well. JavaScript helps developers build exceptionally interactive sites.

It has also recently been used for game development and Internet of Things (IoT) development.

4. JAVA Programming language in 2021

Java was invented in 1996 and since then it has been one of the best choices for enterprise application development. One of the reasons it's so popular is that despite its many iterations, Java has remained pretty stable.

Its 'write once, run anywhere' functionality allows the code to be initially installed on one machine and run on another machine. One way to describe Java as good is that when they first launched their mobile OS, it was Google's choice to build Android applications.

Java comes with automatic memory allocation and garbage collection, features that guarantee enough CPU memory for use by various applications. Java's security manager functionality, and the exclusion of explicit pointers, make it a safe language for building software applications.

5. PHP Programming language in 2021

There is an interesting story behind the creation of the PHP programming language. It was first created for the purpose of maintaining a personal homepage, but has since been used on sites around the world.

PHP language is mainly used to create dynamic and static sites. Organizations such as Facebook, Yahoo and Mail Chimp are using the PHP programming language.

Some advantages of using PHP are:
  • It is exceptionally easy to use for creating web pages.
  • It has a lot of great frameworks.
  • It can be used with debuggers like Xdebug.
  • It provides various automation tools to deploy and test applications.
  • There is no dearth of good automation tools for testing and deployment.
  • There is tremendous community support.

6. C# Programming language 2021

C# is a programming language created by Microsoft that has made a significant name for itself in the web and game development departments.

C# is regularly used in the Unity software, which is probably the best-known game engine software used for creating 2D and 3D video games.

Furthermore, C# plays a tremendous role in building Windows applications and is used on the backend side of many sites.

Take a look at some of its benefits:

  • It is easy to update and scale.
  • It can be used as an object-oriented programming language.
  • It can work with normal codebase.
  • It can be linked with .NET libraries.
  • It can be used as a component-oriented programming language.

7. C++ Programming language 2021

One of the most established, effective and adaptable programming languages, C++ was developed for object-oriented programming and has rich built-in libraries.

It is commonly used to build desktop applications, web and mobile solutions, video games and embedded systems.

Adobe, Microsoft, Google and many others use C++. Here are some of the major benefits of using C++:

Quick program execution.
An abundance of libraries and compilers.
Rich Function Library.
Supports exception handling.
Offers extreme degree of transferability.
Supports function overloading.

8. Scala Programming language 2021

Created in the early 2000's, Scala was intended to take care of some of the problems we faced in Java. Scala is known to help with object-oriented and functional programming, which can be statically typed, compiled into Java byte code, and executed in the Java Virtual Machine.

Scala is widely used in the field of web development, data analysis and data streaming. Organizations that deploy Scala in their businesses include The New York Times and

9. Swift Programming language 2021

Swift is a programming language created by Apple for creating iOS applications. This language is certainly on the rise, as iOS applications are in high demand.

Despite the fact that Flutter (using Dart language) and React Native (using JavaScript) are also options for iOS development, Swift remains the best choice for iOS development, as maintained by Apple itself. Most of the applications in the Apple App Store are built using Swift.

10. Kotlin Programming language 2021

A Google-backed programming language, Kotlin was initially developed by JetBrains.

What sets Kotlin apart is that it is fully powered with Java. In addition, it supports functional programming. Kotlin can be used for developing Android, front-end web apps, desktop and server-side applications.

Plus, as Android is the best-selling mobile operating system, the fact that Kotlin is one of the best languages ​​to keep an eye on in 2021 comes as no surprise.

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